Arranged Scissors 8: Culture fit with parents

That you are in the arranged marriage process means that your parents now have full veto power over whom you marry. Given that you don’t generally want them to veto someone whom you have liked, the most common protocol as I understand is for parents to evaluate the counterparty first, and the “candidate” to get only the people who have passed the parental filter. Then the “candidates” proceed, and maybe meet, and maybe talk, and maybe flirt and maybe decide to get married.

Hypothesis: The chance of your success in the arranged marriage market is directly proportional to the the culture fit that you have wtih your parents.

Explanation: Given that parents have veto power in the process, and given the general protocol that most people follow (which I have described in the first para above; however, it can be shown that this result is independent of the protocol), there are two levels of “culture fit” that an interested counterparty has to pass. First, she has to pass the candidate’s parents’ culture fit test. Only after she has passed the test does she come in contact with the candidate (in most cases, not literally).

Then, she will have to pass the candidate’s culture fit test. By the symmetry argument, there are two more such tests (girl’s parents’ filter for boy and girl’s filter for boy). And then in the arranged marriage setting, people tend to evaluate their “beegaru” (don’t think english has a nice phrase for this – basically kids’ parents-in-law). So you have the boy’s parents evaluating the girl’s parents for culture fit, and vice versa.

So right at the beginning, the arranged marriage process has six layers of culture fit. And even if all these tests are passed, one gets only to the level of the CMP. (given that very few filter down to this level, i suppose a lot of people put NED at this stage and settle for the CMP).

Without loss of generality, let us now ignore the process of boy’s parents evaluating girl’s parents and vice versa (the problem is complex enough without this). So there are basically four evaluations, made by two pairs of evaluators (let us consider parents as one entity – they might have difference in opinion between each other occasionally but to the world they display a united front). Now for each side it comes down to the correlation of expectations between the side’s pair of evaluators.

The higher the “culture fit” you possess with your parents, the higher the chance that you will agree with them with regard to a particular counterparty’s culture fit. And this chance of agreement about culture fit of counterparty is directly proportional to the chance of getting married through the arranged marriage process (basically this culture fit thing can be assumed to be independent of all other processes that go into the arranged marriage decision; so take out all of those and the relationship is linear). Hence proved.

Now what if you are very different from your parents? It is very unlikely that you will approve of anyone that they will approve of, and vice versa. In such a situation it is going to be very hard for you to find someone through the arranged marriage process, and you are well advised to look outside (of course the problem of convincing parents doesn’t go away, but their veto power does).

So the moral of the story is that you should enter the arranged marriage market only if you possess a reasonable degree of culture fit with your parents.

(i have this other theory that in every family, there is a knee-jerk generation – one whose “culture” is markedly different compared to that of its previous generation. and after each knee-jerk, cultural differences between this generation and the following few generations will be low. maybe i’ll elaborate on it some other time)

Arranged Scissors 1 – The Common Minimum Programme

Arranged Scissors 2

Arranged Scissors 3 – Due Diligence

Arranged Scissors 4 – Dear Cesare

Arranged Scissors 5 – Finding the Right Exchange

Arranged Scissors 6: Due Diligence Networks

Arranged Scissors 7: Foreign boys

12 thoughts on “Arranged Scissors 8: Culture fit with parents”

    1. i think so many people known to us are getting married nowadays, hence so much talk about marriages in general and arranged marriages in particular.

      i don’t think too many people agree to enter the market if they already have someone in mind. and those who do are dangerous!

  1. Ok this is my request ,0n behalf of all long suffering readers of the Scissors series,
    eligible members of the fairer sex who are reading this for heaven’s sake marry skimpy! That is the only way to put an end to this… 🙂

    Which is not to say another set of series would probably immediately commence..why the blade is blunt post the close shave..

  2. 2 thoughts.

    1. Consider psuedo arranged scissors where common friends set up 2 parties with arranged checklist commonalities like, say, tam brahm palakkad iyers. In this case, the involved parties might be of culture fit mutually, and both might have culture disconnect with Generation minus 1. In that case, pre-alignment and tip-offs between boy-girl can help meet success criteria in all other fit pairs.

    2. With all this, I wonder if I’ll ever get married…

  3. So the moral of the story is that you should enter the arranged marriage market only if you possess a reasonable degree of culture fit with your parents.

    I have an observation to make about this. If you don’t have culture fit with your parents, it is quite obvious that you will find a girl through love marriage. Isn’t it? In that case arranged marriage doesn’t even arise.

    1. why is it obvious? i think having culture misfit with parents, and possessing enough social skills and luck in order to find a partner are orthogonal skills. there is absolutely no correlation there

  4. “If you don’t have culture fit with your parents, it is quite obvious that you will find a girl through love marriage”

    Not true at all. You could not be a culture fit and be a nerd who can’t talk to women. So “love marriage” may not happen also.

  5. LOL 🙂 Looks like ‘nowhere man’ seems to be really bored of this series and wants to put an end to it! But, ‘nowhere man’, suppose your request has been heard and granted, what is the guarantee that the new series which commences immediately is not even more boring? 😛
    (Skimpy, jus kidding.. don’t mind. I enjoy reading your posts).

  6. LOL 🙂 Looks like ‘nowhere man’ seems to be really bored of this series and wants to put an end to it! But, ‘nowhere man’, suppose your request has been heard and granted, what is the guarantee that the new series which commences immediately is not even more boring? 😛
    (Skimpy, jus kidding.. don’t mind. I enjoy reading your posts).

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