i live 100m away from three pizza joints… and all of them deliver… 2 KM away from the nearest adigas, and they don’t deliver!
factory outlets of every conceivable brand (indigo nation-scullers, classic polo, louisphilippe-vanheusen-allensolly, lee-arrow-wrangler, reebok, livein, adidad) around here, but of late i mostly shop at fabindia – and the nearest one is 5km away!
retailer closest to my house (as the crow flies) is Big Bazaar, followed closely by food world. they are always way too crowded and never seem to have what i want.
PVR coming up 50 meters from my house, but i don’t know if i’ll still be living here when it gets built. i have to make do with the one at the forum, 8 km awya.
The biggest superstar of Kannada movies lives right across the road from my house, and i hardly watch kannada movies, and couldn’t care less (except for the crowd that gathers in front of my gate on sundays for his “junta darshan”)