yeah this post is late by 2 days but never mind…
on tuesday night i wanted to catch the fall of wickets in the England-Pak test match; and some highlights of the SL-RSA match. unfortunately no channel was showing either!
most of the sports news (and also other news) on all channels was dedicated to deano and his terrorist remark. he made the remark, right. he was sacked for that, rightly so. he apologized, rightly so. and the bearded one accepted, rightly so. now why should sports editors of sundry channels in india (i’m not sure of their background in sport) generally bombard the poor guy with some really arbit questions? more importantly, why should we be subjected to such stuff, when we have better things to watch such as two subcontinental Englishmen cutting through the paki lineup like a hot knife through butter!
and then hype about the champions trophy probables list. dada was the issue, i understand. every conceivable channel and newspaper made a huge issue of it even before the meet happened. they ran bets and polls on the strength of the probables list. they came out with their own lists and some of them (like the TOI) made the “probable probables list” the main sports story!
we don’t want no controversies or debates. bring on the cricket, i say