
work at office gets woreshter and woreshter. however, i’m not allowed to tell this to anyone as all my dear friends have made a decision on my behalf that JPM is THE place for me to work and i’d be committing a grave mistake if i don’t convert PPO and sign out. of course, i have gotten a really good mid-term review, but after that either i’ve been getting no work or woreshtesht work. and if i were to let anyone know that i hate the stuff i’m doing, i won’t get PPO and all my friends’ dreams will be shattered.

on the other hand, work is getting so woresht that it’s difficult for me to keep my mouth shut and carry on this shit i’m doing (or not doing – i don’t get too much work these days, you know – business is bad). and the woreshter part is that the guy who sits next to me who’s been here for 6 years does the same kind of work as me! so it’s not as if they’re loading the intern with all woresht work and keeping the pseud work to themselves. in fact, they’ve been extremely kind that i’m directly getting involved in whatever work they’re doing…

seriously dunno what i’m going to be upto…

and people, if i screw up (which seems likely as of now), i’m really sorry in advance… but it’s getting increasingly tough to carry on this way….

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