When you think you are down and out in life… when you think Captain Murphy is in his best form… when you can’t think of any other point of time in your life when you felt so miserable… your natural tendency is to crib… some great person (i forgot who) has said that cribbing does help you relieve your tension. but before you crib, just think for a minute…
just think about the face of the poorest and weakest man you’ve ever seen. and think if your situation is better or worse than him. in most cases, you’ll realize that you have so many things that he doesn’t have. and does he go around town cribbing that he’s the weakest man you’ve seen? in most cases, not. he just puts on a smile and goes about his duties.
so when this person who’s much much more miserable than you can just get on with his life without cribbing, what right do YOU have to crib? i have seen the phenomenon on LJ/blogger also. lots of comments to ‘crib posts’ are “maan, i’d give anything to be in the situation you are in now. chill… “. given all this, do i have a right to crib when i feel bad? NOT AT ALL.
What is the implication of this? that i should NEVER crib. but what happened to the words of the great philosopher who said that cribing is very good for health? well, it may be good for your health but it’s at the cost of others. you don’t have a moral right to crib so you can’t. people don’t care whether it is good for YOUR health or not. it is somewhat akin to “drinking human blood is good for health. but since it’s wrong to kill someone, you can’t drink human blood even though it’s good for you”.
the next time you feel miserable in life… the next time you feel life couldn’t have been worse… the next time you think you need to talk to someone about one of your problems… just remember this post… and also the face of the poorest and weakest man you’ve seen…