The Scene:
Couple 1 is seated at the table next to ours along with a small kid. Couple 2 arrive presently
Man 1 and Woman 2 hug each other.
Man 2 and Woman 1 hug each other.
Man 1 and Man 2 shake hands. Man 1 then pulls Man 2 a bit to his side and gives him a half hug.
Woman 1 and Woman 2 give each other a very formal hug and settle down at the table.
Child continues to look clueless.
Woman 2 to Woman 1: Hugging isn’t reserved for the men, right?
Trying to calculate the Mata Amrita Index of each person at the adjoining table, child excluded.
Married women seldom hug each other if they have been introduced to each other by either of the husbands.
what about married men who have been introduced to each other by either of the wives?