my last week in office just begins… review would be out in just a couple of days… and as it stands now, i don’t think i’ll have to take the trouble of deciding whether to join JP Morgan or not… i mean… 9 weeks has been too long a period to somehow hide the fact from everyone else at work that i’m not exactly loving my job… and given the humongous amount of tika kobbu that these big companies have, the last thing they would want is to make an offer to someone knowing fully well it will be rejected…
no regrets… has been probably the 2 months of my life where the learning per minute has been maximum… on a lot of fronts… interest rate swaps… functioning of an investment bank… industry in general (my only other ‘industry exposure’ has been at a research lab)… about life in London…
i have got a lot of time to ask myself uncomfortable questions… haven’t gotten the answer to most of them though… hope to do so during the course of the year…
looks like i’m already talking as if today is the last day… four more days to go after today
next week at this time i’ll be cooling my heels at home… and eating decent grub for a change…